I traveled light this time -- a small cooler with drinks and a dry-bag with my GPS and camera. I had the the GPS tracking turned on. I like to measure the exact distance in river miles so I can see how fast and far I go. Plus it helps get the timing down so T can plan her day.
Because of the Labor Day holiday there were more people than usual on the river. In addition to the fisherman I saw canoes and kayaks. I think kayaks outnumber canoes now. When I was young there were more canoes.
Occasionally I passed families on the shore -- parents sitting in sling chairs, kids playing in the water. Most modern Moms are horrified at the idea of kids playing in a real river with rocks, mud and critters.
The float was smooth for the most part. I paddled through a few riffles but nothing too exciting. I ran into a shallow stretch just below Millerstown. I had to get out and drag the kayak for about 50 yards or so. No big deal.
The trip lasted just about 2 1/2 hours, which turned out to be perfect.
I'd like to take at least two more trips this year. Early fall is a nice time to paddle.
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